Thursday, March 09, 2006

100 on d dot!

Its actually a 100days to go! Today has been like a whirlwind!!!!!!!!! going back and forth forth and back like a trains engine.I've thought of the future - of course I cant see that far! but I've thought and imagined and prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyed! God help me, God be with me!This is one of the days when I've had to reaffirm and ask if i know what I'm doing! Truly I don't. I just know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing at this time. I'm on the right path with God's light leading the way and that's enough for now.

I'm thinking of my single days and how they are gradually coming to an end and I'm wondering and tutoring myself, trying to change my orientation, making myself realise that in a few days, I'll have to get out of bed and make breakfast or COOK breakfast if my love prefers akara to bread! ;) instead of jumping out of my bed and out of the house!

I'm starting to learn to think for two. I know I cant do that properly until I start the marriage school proper, right now I'm registering for my courses ;). Writing is helping me release some emotions and I'm actually smiling. I've lived a selfish life up till this moment (well maybe not entirely) but I'm going to have to start thinking of balanced meals for my family & not indomie! Waow! ain't I grown up?

Anyway more seriously now...I'm thinking that this next stage of my life is going to open up more doors than I could ever have imagined, more opportunities, etc. A whole new vista is before me and as I gasp at the enormity of it all, I am quick to remind God to be with me as He always has, to lead me , to teach me, to hold my hand.Help me not be foolish, help me to build my home and not tear it down, Help me be a loving wife and mother, Help me LOVE and SUBMIT to my husband-to-be, help me do the things I need to do, help me learn (very quickly too) from my mistakes and avoid making new ones (Is that possible?). This is a new land, a new venture, a new LIFE! Please Lord Help me. AMEN

1 comment:

NewLife said...

I know this is an old post, I just pray that our true God has granted you all your desires, as you requested in your prayers. Be blessed.