Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This past weekend!!!

This last weekend was a long one, thanks to the May day public holiday and my hubby-to-be was in town. For those of us in Geographically-challenged relationships, we look forward to times together with a lot of anticipation and fill up all our spare time with time-together times!
Well this weekend was FULL. From chomping on chicken together, to just driving around the island & talking & talking & praying, attending counselling sessions together - there was a lot of that!
Ok. lemme break this down and squeeze out the lessons I learnt from all of this.
Its compulsory to attend counselling sessions at the church where we are to be married and this sundays topic was Love in Marriage.
It was revealing and I guess the most important fact was Love is COMMITMENT, Love is SACRIFICE and Love is Forgiving!
Another counselling session we attended was with a mutual family friend. A pastor for many years whose passion is Marriage. He has written a book on marriages and is very passionate about Christian marriages.
The first thing we learnt, going through the 2nd chapter in Genesis was that Marriage is God's idea. Also, Christian marriages (marriages based on God's word) are scarce and the devil likes to attack Christian homes because attacks on the famiy result in widespread disaster.
On the purpose of marriage, he stated that in the order of imporatance, they are :
1. Heart-to-heart fellowship.
2. Sexual satisfaction and enjoyment without sin
3. Procreation.
yes and in that order!
I had a full and most fulfilling weekend!


uncle G said...

its funny how time flies, but the beauty of it is that, whilst time flies, each time we look back, we are mostly grateful for where we are. for the strong, time is a justifier, for the weak, its nemesis, LOL.
God bless!

uncle G said...

its funny how time flies, but the beauty of it is that, whilst time flies, each time we look back, we are mostly grateful for where we are. for the strong, time is a justifier, for the weak, its nemesis, LOL.
God bless!